ProducerConnect™ eLearning Courses

    1. What is Appulate & how will it help me?

    2. ProducerConnect™ Premium

    3. Pre Course Survey

    1. Why are there 4 submission styles in Appulate?

    2. Appulate Academy - Test Your Knowledge

    1. Bridge ACORD data with Uplink™

    2. Adding Markets to Your Submission

    3. Adding Market Credentials

    4. Missing and Required Questions

    5. Editing Forms

    6. Adding Submission Documents

    7. LossRunner™

    8. In Depth: Appulate Style Submission

    9. In Depth: eSubmission

    10. In Depth: Weblink

    11. In Depth: Email Submission

    1. Sharing Quotes with Insured

    2. Binding

    1. Adding another line of business to the same insured

    2. Policy Renewal

    1. Final Quiz

    2. Your Feedback Is Important!

    3. You Did it!

ProducerConnect™ Premium

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